21st Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy
Melbourne, Australia
| 4-6 July 2016
We invite submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting novel research on all aspects of information security and privacy primitives or protocols. This year we particularly welcome submissions from areas in cyber-physical security, mobile security, software security and network security, which are under represented in previous ACISP series.
Topics of ACISP 2016 include but are not limited to the following areas:
Selected papers presented at the ACISP 2016 will be invited to consider submission (after significant extension) for special issues or topical selections in the following journals:
Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) Impact Factor: 2.786 Special Issue on Security and Privacy Issues in Fog Computing Learn more | |
Journal of Medical Systems Impact Factor: 2.213 Topical Selection on Medical Data Security Learn more | |
Computers & Security Impact Factor: 1.031 Special Issue on Security Data Science and Cyber Threat Management Learn more | |
Pervasive and Mobile Computing Impact Factor: 2.079 Special Issue on Cybersecurity for Ubiquitous Cities Learn more | |
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Impact Factor: 1.518 Special Issue on Security and Privacy for Smart Cities Learn more | |
More journal special issues or topical selections will be announced soon.
Authors are invited to submit original papers: they must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere or have submitted in parallel to any other conferences that have proceedings or any journal. The submission must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references. Original contributions are invited up to 12 pages in length (single column) excluding appendices and bibliography and up to 20 pages in total, using at least 11-point fonts and with reasonable margins. Submissions not meeting the submission guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. Papers should be submitted via easychair at the following link.
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference and present their paper.
We are pleased to announce that the proceeding will be published by Springer as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Author instructions and LaTeX/Word templates for LNCS publications can be found via the following link.