1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Security and Privacy
Guangzhou, China
| 3-5 Dec 2023
AIS&P 2023 welcomes original and innovative work from academia, industry and government presenting novel research efforts on all theoretical and practical aspects of all areas of artificial intelligence security and privacy, and their applications. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
The extended versions of best papers will be recommended for a number of journal special issues.
Authors are invited to submit original papers not previously published nor submitted in parallel for publication to any other conference, workshop or journal. All submitted papers must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references.
Submissions should be in English, as a PDF file with all fonts embedded, in the Springer Computer Science Proceedings format, typeset with 11pt font, and using reasonable spacing and margins. Papers should not exceed 16 pages including the bibliography, but excluding well-marked appendices (no more than 18 pages in total). Submitted papers may risk being rejected directly without consideration of their merits if they do not follow all the above submission instructions.
Please note that at least one author of each accepted paper should register with full rate to the conference and give a presentation at the conference. Failure to register or absence from the presentation will eventually make your paper NOT being included in the conference proceedings.
The proceedings of AIS&P 2023 will be published by Springer in the LNCS series, and indexed by EI Compendex.
The Springer copyright form for AIS&P 2023 is available at the following link.