The 4th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain
Melbourne, Australia
| 06-08 December 2021
● Oshani Seneviratne (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
● Justin D. Harris (Microsoft)
● Olivia Choudhury (Amazon)
● Omer Rana (Cardiff University)
● Imtiaz Khan (Cardiff Metropolitan University)
● Madeline Carr (University Collage London)
● Ali Shahaab (Cardiff Metropolitan University)
● Tiago Alves (Cardiff University)
● Man Ho Au (University of Hong Kong)
● Weizhi Meng (Technical University of Denmark)
● Yang Shi (Tongji University)
● Xiapu Luo (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
● Ziyuan Wang (Swinburne University of Technology)
● Jiangshan Yu (Monash University)
Workshops with the IEEE Blockchain 2021 will be held together with the main conference. We invite researchers to submit workshop proposals and chair the workshops. Workshop organizers have several responsibilities, including coordinating workshop participation and content, publicizing and providing the program in a timely manner, and moderating the program throughout the workshop. The format and aims of these workshops should be described by the workshop organizers.
The goal of the workshops is to provide an informal forum for researchers to discuss emerging research questions and challenges. Workshops will last for one day, with morning and afternoon sessions and free time between the sessions for individual exchange. The workshops can be on any subject relevant to an appreciable fraction of the IEEE Blockchain community. Schedules should encourage lively debates, and topics should lean more towards exploring new ideas, open problems, and interdisciplinary areas, compared with the main conference. Workshops should encourage contributed content and reserve a significant portion of time for open discussion/panel discussion and posters. A diverse group of speakers is more likely to bring diverse and surprising viewpoints on a topic. As a result, we encourage workshop organizers to be cognizant of designing panels and speaker lists that are inclusive.
Workshop proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
The organizers of each accepted workshop can name four individuals to receive complimentary full conference registrations. This include the workshop organizers and the invited speakers for the workshops.
Proposals should be two pages long in single column A4 or letter format, with font size 11 or greater, excluding organizer contact details/CVs and bibliographic references. Proposals should clearly specify the following:
All workshop proposals should be emailed to the Workshop and Symposia Co-Chairs by June 30th, 2021.
● Qiang He, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia (Email:
● Xiao Chen, Monash University, Australia (Email: