Accepted Papers Instructions
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Please carefully read the Information for authors before you prepare the camera-ready papers. This Online Author Kit contains the guidelines and the copyright form. The link is at http://www.ieeeconfpublishing.org/cpir/AuthorKit.asp?Community=CPS&Facility=CPS_Oct&ERoom=EUC+2011
Please note:
1. please skip STEP 5: PDF eXpress Online File Conversion/PDF Validation Tool. Authors should submit their files without using it and IEEE CS will check and verify all files/papers.
2. The deadline of camera-ready paper upload is August 15, 2011 (firm deadline).
Accepted Paper Lists (EUC, EPS, MCSN, UUWSN)
EUC 2011 accepted papers:
Regular papers:
- Energy Efficient and Robust Multicast Routing for Large Scale Sensor Networks
Myounggyu Won, Radu Stoleru
- Model-Driven Development of Wireless Sensor Network Applications
Taniro Rodrigues, Priscilla Dantas, Flávia Delicato, Paulo Pires, Luci Pirmez, Thais Batista, Cláudio Miceli Miceli, Albert Zomaya
- Ensuring QoS of multimedia applications in heterogeneous home networks: the CPU use case
Maxime Louvel, Julien Tous, Jean-Philippe Babay, Alain Plantec
- Harmonic-Fit Partitioned Scheduling For Fixed-Priority Real-Time Tasks On the Multiprocessor Platform
ming fan, gang quan
- Fault-Tolerant Differential Q Routing in Arbitrary NoC Topologies
Martin Radetzki
- Caching and Deferred Write of Metadata for Flash File System
Chul Lee, Seung-Ho Lim
- Partitioned Scheduling of P-FRP in Symmetric Homogenous Multiprocessors
Chaitanya Belwal, Albert Cheng
- Destination-based Cut Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Myounggyu Won, Radu Stoleru
- AdaptUbiFlow: Selection and Adaptation in Workflows for Ubiquitous Computing
Frederico Lopes, Thiago Pereira, Everton Cavalcante, Flavia C. Delicato, Thais Batista, Paulo F. Pires, Paulo Ferreira
- A Method for Constructing Fault Trees from AADL Models
Yue Li, Yi-an Zhu, Chun-yan Ma, Meng Xu
- Using traffic analysis to identify The Second Generation Onion Router
John Barker, Peter Hannay, Patryk Szewczyk
- Greedy Routing on Hierarchical Clusters
Ghazi Bouabene, Manolis Sifalakis, Christian Tschudin
- Evaluation Framework of Opportunistic Flooding in Sensor Networks
Linchao Zhang, Erwing Sanchez, Maurizio Rebaudengo
- Multicast Lifetime Maximization using Network Coding in Lossy Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Chih-Hao Hsu, Peng Li, Song Guo, Shui Yu
- FPGA-based image processor architecture for wireless multimedia sensor network
Duc Minh Pham, Syed Mahfuzul Aziz
- Efficient Monitoring of Dynamic Tag Populations in RFID Systems
Qingjun Xiao, Kai Bu, Bin Xiao
- Low Cost Concurrent Error Detection for On-Chip Memory based Embedded Processors
Faramarz Khosravi, Mahdi Fazeli, Hamed Farbeh, Seyed Ghassem Miremadi
- Assignment of Sensors for Multiple Tasks Using Path Information
Susumu Toriumi, Shinichi Honiden
- Job Phasing Aware Preemption Deferral
José Marinho, Stefan Petters
- Security Techniques for Beyond 3G Wireless Mobile Networks
Udaya Tupakula, Vijay Varadharajan, Sunil Vuppala
- Delay Tolerant Networking with OLSRv2
Ulrich Herberg, Thomas Heide Clausen
- EMMON: A WSN System Architecture for Large Scale and Dense Real-Time Embedded Monitoring
Stefano Tennina, Mélanie Bouroche, Pedro Braga, Ricardo Gomes, Mario Alves, Farrukh Mirza, Vincenzo Ciriello, Gabriella Carrozza, Pedro Oliveira, Vinny Cahill
- A Dual-Mode Unified Shader with Frame-based Dynamic Precision Adjustment for Mobile GPUs
Slo-Li Chu, Chih-Chieh Hsiao, Chen-Yu Chen
- An Energy-Efficient Unified Register File for Mobile GPUs
Slo-Li Chu, Chih-Chieh Hsiao, Chiu-Cheng Hsieh
- Combinatorial Auction-Based Task Allocation in Multi-Application Wireless Sensor Networks
Neda Edalat, Wendong Xiao, Nirmalya Roy
- Profiling-based Log Block Replacement Scheme in FTL for Update-intensive Executions
Joon-Young Paik, Tae-Sun Chung, Eun-Sun Cho
- Pareto Analysis with Uncertainty
Martijn Hendriks, Marc Geilen, Twan Basten
- RestThing: A Restful Web Service Infrastructure for Mash-up Physical and Web Resources
Qiang Li, Weijun Qin, Limin Sun
- Ejemovil, A Web-Based Tool to Create Mobile Learning Videogames
Jaime Sánchez, Matías Espinoza
- Security Extensions for Improving Data Security of Event Repositories in EPCglobal Networks
Matthieu Schapranow, Alexander Zeier, Hasso Plattner
- AmbiKraf: A nonemissive fabric display for fast changing textile animation
Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Mili John Tharakan, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Adrian David Cheok
- A Quality-Aware Approach for Resolving Context Conflicts in Context-Aware Systems
José Bringel, Nazim Agoulmine
Short papers:
- A Utilization based Sufficient Condition for P-FRP
Chaitanya Belwal, Albert Cheng
- Image Processing Capabilities of ARM-based Micro-controllers for Visual Sensor Networks
M. Amac Guvensan, A. Gokhan Yavuz, Z. Cihan Taysi, M. Elif Karsligil, Esra Celik
- Generating Bounded Task Periods for Experimental Schedulability Analysis
Chaitanya Belwal, Albert Cheng
- Securing Embedded Processors against Power Analysis based Side Channel Attacks using Reconfigurable Architecture
Sahar Abbaspour, Mehdi Kamal, Hamid Noori, Saeed Safari
- A Generic Component-based Approach to MPSoC Observation
Carlos Prada-Rojas, Vania Marangozova-Martin, Jean-François Méhaut, Miguel Santana
- A Domain-Specific Language for the Specification of Adaptable Context Inference
André Santos, João Cardoso, Diogo Ferreira, Pedro Diniz
- SGA: A Sporadic GDI Adapter for Smooth Motion Recording on Computer Screen
Shin-Hung Chang, Jiun-Yi Liou
- Crossing Boundaries in TimeTrial: Monitoring Communications Across Architecturally Diverse Computing Platforms
Joseph Lancaster, Joseph Wingbermuehle, Jonathan Beard, Roger Chamberlain
- IMAC: An Interference-aware Duty-cycle MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Employing Multipath Routing
Leila Eskandari, Hamed Yousefi, Ali Movaghar
- Two-Stage Diff: An Efficient Dynamic Software Update Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
Mei-Ling Chiang, Tsung-Lin Lu
- Thermal-aware Code Transformation across Functional Units
Chia Jung Chen, Rong Guey Chang
- An Abstract Model of a Coordination Protocol using the UPPAAL model checker
Colm Bhandal, Mélanie Bouroche, Arthur Hughes
- A Context-Aware Recommendation System to Behavioral Based Authentication in Mobile and Pervasive Environments
Joao Carlos Lima, Cristiano Rocha, Iara Augustin, Mario Dantas
- Improving Router Cooperation in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks using Reinforcement Learning
Chanon Rittong, Wipawee Usaha
- Comparative Performance Study of Multi-Stage Interconnection Networks Using Carbon Nanotube Switches
Majid Rezazadeh, Farshad Safaei, Mohammad Hossein Moaiyeri
- Trust Index based Fault Tolerant Event Localization Algorithm in WSN
Xianghua Xu, Neal N. Xiong, Laurence T. Yang, Chunxiong Fan
- Multimodal Face-Gait Fusion for Human Identity Verification
Emdad Hossain, Girija Chetty
- Analysis of the experimental results for quantum key distribution cryptography in IEEE 802.11 Networks
Xu Huang, Shirantha Wijesekera, Dharmendra Sharma
- A novel algorithm for protecting from internal attacks of wireless sensor networks
Xu Huang, Muhammad Ahmed, Dharmendra Sharma
EPS 2011 accepted papers:
- RT-Est: Real-Time Operating System for Semi-Fixed-Priority Scheduling Algorithms
Hiroyuki Chishiro, Nobuyuki Yamasaki
- SPAR:Short-Path Anycast Routing in MANETs
Shyr-Kuen Chen, Pi-Chung Wang
- Understanding Technology Adoption through System Dynamics Approach: A Case Study of RFID Technology
Yu Chen
- Augmented Reality Marker for Operating Home Appliances
Shinya Mihara, Akira Sakamoto, Hideki Shimada, Kenya Sato
- SmartAgents: A Scalable Infrastructure for Smart Car
Yongping Zhang, Jianbo Fan
- An Incentive-driven Information Delivery Scheme
Xinfeng Ye, Yanfeng Li
- Specifying and Matching the Spatio-Temporal Events
Wei Zhuowei, Beihong Jin, Haibiao Chen, Lifeng Zhang
- Wireless Smooth Data Streaming on Application Layer
Chia Jung Chen, Rong Guey Chang
- A Secure Multi-Agent Coverage Control Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with Malicious Nodes
Akkachai Phuphanin, Wipawee Usaha
- Load Balanced Two-tier DHT with Proactive Tuning of Lower-tier Group Sizes
Jayati Kesharwani, Mayank Pandey, Banshi Dhar Chaudhary
- XMCAPI: Inter-Core Communication Interface on Multi-chip Embedded Systems
Shin'ichi Miura, Toshihiro Hanawa, Taisuke Boku, Mitsuhisa Sato
- A New Calculation Method of Interference Time under Limited Parallel Model
Zhigang Gao, Haixia Xia
- Design and Implementation of LDMA for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Formation Network
bingcai chen, lan yu
- HMAN: Hierarchical Monitoring for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
- Polymorphic Malware Detection Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model
Fahad Bin Muhaya, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Yang Xiang
MCSN 2011 accepted papers:
- [MCSN1] Ya Gao, Chunhong Zhang and Yi Wang. A Directed Recommendation Algorithm for User Requests based on Social Networks
- [MCSN2] Valerie Gay and Peter Leijdekkers. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly About Social Networks for Health Apps
- [MCSN4] Ming Li and Alessio Bonti. T-OSN : A Trust Evaluation Model in Online Social Networks
- [MCSN5] Zahra Masdar, Reza Azmi, Sadegh Aliakbary and Nooshin Riahi. Finding Community Structure in Complex Networks Using Parallel Approach
UUWSN 2011 accepted papers:
- [U01] Tae-Jin Lee, Min-Soo Han, Jeong-Woo Han, Ki-Man Kim, Seung-Yong,Chun, Kwon Son. A Study on the Low Power Communication for Underwater Sensor Network
- [U02] Sangho Lee, Kiseon Kim. Path Planning of a Mobile Beacon for Localization in Underwater Sensor Networks
- [U03] Laura Sorbi, Graziano Pio De Capua, El Hadi Cherkaoui, Laura Toni, Jean-Guy Fontaine. On the Performances of a target detection algorithm in Underwater Sensor Networks with Aqua-Sim
- [U04] Tae-Hee Won, Hunchul Cho, Sung-Joon Park. An Omni-directional Underwater Acoustic Modem Based on Cortex-M3
- [U05] Chungsan Kim, Sangho Lee, Kiseon Kim. 3D Underwater Localization with Hybrid Ranging Method for Near-sea Marine Monitoring
- [U06] Kyeng Heum Na, Heungwoo Nam, Sunshin An. The architecture of surface gateway and its basestation for underwater wireless sensor network
- [U07] SeungWon Shin, Ji-Eon Kim, Jin-Young Lee, Soo-Hyun Park. Firmware design and implementation for UMO controlling in Underwater Acoustic Communication
- [U08] Nam-Yeol Yun, Yung-Pyo Kim, Sardorbek Azamjonovich Muminov, and Soo-Hyun Park. Sync MAC Protocol to control Underwater Vehicle based on Underwater Acoustic Communication