Accepted Papers
The page limit of all regular papers is 15 pages and short paper is 10 pages in Springer LNCS format. Please email to ica3pp@gmail.com with a compressed zip file (.zip) containing
- the final PDF paper,
- the source files (e.g., tex or Word files), and
- the signed/scanned copyright form (must be scanned in PDF format) by 28/June/2012. When you fill in the copyright form, please include the following as the conference proceedings editors: Yang Xiang, Ivan Stojmenovic, Bernady O. Apduhan, Guojun Wang, Koji Nakano, and Albert Zomaya. Please carefully read the Information for LNCS Authors page before you prepare the camera-ready papers. This page contains the guidelines and the copyright form. The link is at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0. We cannot include your paper in the LNCS proceedings if we do not receive your paper by 28/June/2012.
Accepted Regular Papers:
- Accelerating the Dynamic Programming for the Optimal Polygon Triangulation on the GPU
Kazufumi Nishida, Koji Nakano, Yasuaki Ito
- Preprocessing Technique for Accelerating Reconfiguration of Degradable VLSI Arrays
Yuanbo Zhu, Jigang Wu, Thambipillai Srikanthan
- On Modelling and Prediction of Total CPU Usage for Applications in MapReduce Environments
Nikzad Babaii Rizvandi, Javid Taheri, Reza Moraveji, Albert Y. Zomaya
- Security Computing for the Resiliency of Protecting from Internal Attacks in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks
Xu Huang, Dharmendra Sharma, Muhammad Ahmed
- SMC: An Energy Conserving P2P File Sharing Model for Mobile Devices
Karthik Chandrasekar, Ashok Chandrasekar, Harini Ramasatagopan, Rafica Abdul Rahim
- Parallel Algorithm for Nonlinear Network Optimization Problems and Real-Time Applications
Shin-Yeu Lin, Xian-Chang Guo
- Optimization of a short-range Proximity Effect Correction Algorithm in E-Beam Lithography using GPGPUs
Max Schneider, Nikola Belic, Christoph Sambale, Ulrich Hofmann, Dietmar Fey
- Exploiting Multi-grain Parallelism for efficient Selective Sweep Detection
Nikolaos Alachiotis, Pavlos Pavlidis, Alexandros Stamatakis
- The Impact of Global Communication Latency at Extreme Scales on Krylov Methods
Thomas Ashby, Pieter Ghysels, Wim Heirman, Wim Vanroose
- Vectorized Algorithms for Quadtree Construction and Descent
Eraldo Marinho, Alexandro Baldassin
- A Multi-level Monitoring Framework for Stream-based Coordination Programs
Vu Thien Nga Nguyen, Raimund Kirner, Frank Penczek
- Kernel Support for Fine-grained Load Balancing in a Web Cluster Providing Streaming Service
Mei-Ling Chiang, Chen-Yu Yang, Shin-Lu Lien
- Overcoming the Scalability Limitations of Parallel Star Schema Data Warehouses
João Costa, Pedro Martins, José Cecilio, Pedro Furtado
- Enhancing Service-Oriented Computing with Software Mobility
Hervé Paulino, Gilberto Camacho
- Causal order multicast protocol using minimal message history information
Chayoung Kim, Jinho Ahn
- An Optimal Parallel Prefix-sums Algorithm on the Memory Machine Models for GPUs
Koji Nakano
- A multi-GPU Programming Library for Real-Time Applications
Sebastian Schaetz, Martin Uecker
- Optimal Linear Programming Solutions for Multiprocessor Scheduling With Communication Delays
Sarad Venugopalan, Oliver Sinnen
- Comparing Checkpoint and Rollback Recovery Schemes in a Cluster System
Noriaki Bessho, Tadashi Dohi
- A bitstream relocation technique to improve flexibility of partial reconfiguration
Yoshihiro Ichinomiya, Motoki Amagasaki, Masahiro Iida, Morihiro Kuga, Toshinori Sueyoshi
- A Hybrid Heuristic-Genetic Algorithm for Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous Multi-core System
Chuan Wang, Jianhua Gu
- Efficient Task Assignment on Heterogeneous Multicore Systems Considering Communication Overhead
Li Wang, Jing Liu, Jingtong Hu, Qingfeng Zhuge, Edwin H.-M. Sha
- Security analysis of a three-party password-based authenticated key exchange protocol
Muhammad Khurram Khan, Debiao He
- Budget Constrained Resource Allocation for Non-Deterministic Workows on an IaaS Cloud
Eddy Caron, Frédéric Desprez, Adrian Muresan, Frédéric Suter
- On the Longest Common Subsequence Problem with a Hybrid Constraint
Yi-Ching Chen
- On a Wideband Fast Fourier Transform Using Piecewise Linear Approximations: Application to a Radio Telescope Spectrometer
Hiroki Nakahara, Hiroyuki Nakanishi, Tsutomu Sasao
- A Verified Library of Algorithmic Skeletons on Evenly Distributed Arrays
Wadoud Bousdira, Frederic Loulergue, Julien Tesson
- Performance Measurement of Parallel Vlasov Code for Space Plasma on Various Scalar-Type Supercomputer Systems
Takayuki Umeda, Keiichiro Fukazawa
- Ultrasound Simulation on the Cell Broadband Engine using the Westervelt Equation
Andrew Haigh, Bradley Treeby, Eric McCreath
- A novel Error-correcting method for Protocol State Machine Extraction
Ming-Ming Xiao, Shun-Zheng Yu
- An Insightful and Quantitative Performance Optimization Chain for GPUs
Haipeng Jia, Yunquan Zhang, Shengen Yan
- Study on the Data Flow Balance in NFS Server with iSCSI
Nianmin Yao, Yong Han, Shaobin Cai, Qilong Han
- Performance, Scalability, and Semantics of Concurrent FIFO Queues
Christoph M. Kirsch, Hannes Payer, Harald Roeck, Ana Sokolova
- Scalable Distributed Architecture for Media Transcoding
Horacio Sanson, Luis Loyola, Daniel Pereira
- GPU-Accelerated Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Collaborative Filtering
Xianggao Cai, Zhanpeng Xu, Guoming Lai, Chengwei Wu, Xiaola Lin
- STM systems: Enforcing strong isolation between transactions and non-transactional code
Tyler Crain, Eleni Kanellou, Michel Raynal
- A Dependency Aware Task Partitioning and Scheduling Algorithm for Hardware-Software Codesign on MPSoCs
Chunsheng Li, Xuehai Zhou, Fangling Zeng, Chao Wang
- Non-Blocking Atomic Commitment in Asynchronous Distributed Systems with Faulty Processes
Sung-Hoon Park, Seoun-Hyung Lee
- Power efficiency evaluation of Block Ciphers on GPU-integrated Multicore Processor
Naoki Nishikawa, Keisuke Iwai, Takakazu Kurokawa
- Experiments in Parallel Matrix Multiplication on Multi-Core Systems
Joeffrey Legaux, Sylvain Jubertie, Frédéric Loulergue
- A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Blocked Dense Matrix Multiplication on Shared Memory Architectures
Gideon Nimako, Ekow Otoo, Daniel Ohene-Kwofie
- Fault Tolerance Logical Network Properties of Irregular Graphs
Camille Coti, Michel Koskas, Christophe Cérin
- Fault Recovery Technique for TMR Softcore Processor System using Partial Reconfiguration
Makoto Fujino, Hiroki Tanaka, Yoshihiro Ichinomiya, Morihiro Kuga, Masahiro Iida, Motoki Amagasaki, Toshinori Sueyoshi
- Multi-Core Fixed Priority DVS Scheduling
Liu Yang, Man Lin, Laurence T. Yang
Accepted Short Papers:
- Engineering Concerns on Dynamic Symbolic Execution
Ting Chen, Xiao-song Zhang, Wei-wei Wang, Cong Zhu, Xiao-li Ji, Xiao-wei Yan, Wei Du, Shi-ze Guo, Yue Wu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
- Analytical Modeling for Multi-transaction bus on destributed systems
Jih-Ching Chiu, Kai-Ming Yang, Chen-Ang Wong
- BIDE-based Parallel Mining of Frequent Closed Sequences with MapReduce
Dongjin Yu, Zhixiang Zhu, Suhang Zheng
- A GPU-Accelerated File System Using File-wise Reliability Scheme
Chien-Kai Tseng, Shang-Chieh Lin, Yarsun Hsu
- Leveraging the Strengths of Transactional Memory While Maintaining System Performance
LihChyun Shu, Ying-Cheng Su, Chang-Ming Tasi, Huey-Min Sun
- Efficient Task Scheduling of Hard Real-Time Tasks for Asymmetric Multicore Processors
Sung Il Kim, Jong-Kook Kim, Hyuong Uk Ha, Tae Ho Kim, Kyu Hyun Choi
- Enhancing the Performance of a Distributed Mobile Computing Environment by Topology Construction
Il-Yong Kim, Jong-Kook Kim
- An Implementation of Parallel 2-D FFT Using Intel AVX Instructions on Multi-Core Processors
Daisuke Takahashi
- Frame Error Rate Testing for High Speed Optical Interconnect
Yi Dai
- Implementation of Parallel Computing FAST Algorithm on Mobile GPU
Chien-Hsing Chou, Peter Liu, Yu-Xiang Zhao, Tai-Yi Wu, Ke-Wei Chen
- Combining Local and Global Clock for Efficient Concurrency in Software Transactional Memory
Ehsan Atoofian
- Solving a 2-covered Path Problem with Variable Radii for Wireless Sensor Networks
Da-Ren Chen, Chiun-Chieh Hsu, Jun-Fu Guo
- High-performance Matrix Multiply on a massively Multithreaded Fiteng1000 Processor
Jie Liu, Lihua Chi, Han Xu, Jie Jiang, Yihui Yan, Qingfeng Hu
- Design of a Static-based Shared Memory Network Depending on the Application
Yoshimasa Ohnishi, Takaichi Yoshida
- Determining quality of S-Boxes using pseudo-random sequences generated from stream ciphers.
Anh Nguyen, Thuc Nguyen
- Exploring Object-Level Parallelism on Chip Multi-Processors
Weixing Ji, Yizhuo Wang, Zhi Huang, Junqing Zhao, Xi Li
- The Hamiltonicity of WK-recursive Pyramid
Yi-Chun Wang, Justie Su-Tzu Juan
- Towards Multi-Level Adaptation for Distributed Operating Systems and Applications
Djawida DIB, Nikos Parlavantzas, Christine Morin
- FIDs Classifier for Artificial Intelligence and its Application
Chih-Chiang Wei
- On Affirmative Adaptive Failure Detection
Ahmad Shukri Mohd Noor, Mustafa Mat Deris, Tutut Herawan, Mohamad Nor Hassan
- A Semantic Impact in Decentralized Resource Discovery Mechanism for Grid Computing Environmentuting Environment
Abdul Shaikh, Saadat Alhashmi, Rajendran Parthiban
- Design of n-gram based Dynamic Pre-fetching for DSM
Sitaramaiah Ramisetti, Rajeev Wankar, C. R. Rao
- A New Low Latency Parallel Turbo Decoder Employing Parallel Phase Decoding Method
Wen Ta Lee, Min Sheng Chang, Wei-Chieh Shen
- Performance Optimization of Processing Small Files Based on HDFS
Lu ZHOU, Zhiyi FANG, Wenzeng HUANG, Ruicheng CAI, Niya HU
Charles Karemera, John Ngubiri
- A Regular Group Quorum System of Degree $\lceil \sqrt{n/2}\rceil$
Fouad Chedid
- A Note on Developing Optimal and Scalable Parallel Two-List Algorithms
Fouad Chedid
- On Construction of Cloud IaaS for VM Live Migration Using KVM and OpenNebula
Chao-Tung Yang, Shao-Feng Wang, Kuan-Lung Huang
- Performance Evaluation of Parallel Programming with OpenMP and CUDA on Multicore Systems
Chao-Tung Yang, Tzu-Chieh Chang, Hsien-Yi Wang, Wei-Sheng Ou
- Small Business-oriented Index Construction of Cloud Data
Kai Peng, Hua Zou, Rongheng Lin, Fangchun Yang
