Citizens of some Countries need to ask for the VISA to enter in Italy.
VISA can be obtained at the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the Country of residence.
Attenders can find here the Italian Embassy
or Consulate nearest to their residence.
To obtain a VISA to enter in Italy, an invitation letter from the General Chair,
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, is
Authors and presenters that need a letter for applying for a VISA,
should contact
the General Chair via
email to request such a letter. The request should include title and
authors of the paper for which the VISA is needed. The paper has to be
accepted at NSS 2011 or at co-locate events
(NSS workshops
and ICDKE 2011). Please note that letters of invitation will be issued to authors and registered attendees only.
VISA Offices may need several weeks to process your request. Please, apply for the VISA
as earlier as possible so as to allow sufficient time for VISA processing and for getting
possible assistance from the General Chair
directly with the VISA Office in the case of difficulties.
In some cases the Italian Embassy or Consulate needs also that the
General Chair faxes the
invitation letter directly to the VISA Office. Please contact the VISA Office at
the Italian Embassy or Consulate near
your residence to verify which is the current procedure in your Country.
Do not hesitate to contact the General Chair
for assistance with the VISA Office in case of any problem.
Do not ask for the invitation letter to the conference secretariat or to other
organizers since only a letter signed by the
Italian General Chair will be
considered valid by the Italian Embassies and Consulates.
Do not waste your time in contacting other people!